WyreStorm Technical Bulletin: NHD-000-CTL HTTP Status 500 Error

Technical Bulletin


It has come to our attention that in rare cases the NHD-000-CTL may show an HTTP Status 500 error in the Software Upgrade section of the Web UI. While this error doesn’t prevent the communication from a control system to the NHD-000-CTL, it does prevent the ability to perform firmware updates.


We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.




  • HTTP Status 500 error message appears in the Software Upgrade section of the Web UI
  • Prevents the ability to perform firmware updates


Affected Products



Affected Serial Numbers

All Serial Numbers



While a permanent fix is being developed to prevent future issues from occurring, a solution is available which can restore the Software Upgrade section to a working state. If you are experiencing the above issue perform the steps below.


  1. Download and install PuTTY
  2. Launch PuTTY and enter in the IP address of the NHD-000-CTL in the Host Name field.
  3. Ensure Port 22 is populated and that the Connection Type is set to SSH.
  4. Click the Open button.
  5. If prompted by a security alert, click Yes to confirm the certificate.
  6. When prompted to “login as:” enter ubuntu
  7. When prompted for the password enter Wyr3St0rm
  8. Once logged in, enter the following command: rm -rf apache-tomcat-7.0.42/work/Catalina/


To confirm the Software Upgrade section has been restored, log into the Web UI of the NHD-000-CTL and select the Controller Settings Tab. Scroll down to the Software Upgrade section and you will then see the ability to upload Web and Adapter firmware files.


The latest firmware files can be found on the NHD-000-CTL product page at WyreStorm.com.


Corrective Action

At this time a corrective action is not available, however our engineering team is working on a resolution that will be available once completed and tested.



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