Neets support update


Neets survey

We would like to thank you for the participation in our survey of Neets support, it means so much that you have spent a couple of minutes to fill this out. We are constantly trying to improve the way we operate in the support department and your input is priceless to us.

If you haven’t entered you opinion yet, it is not to late just follow this link.

(remember that you can win a Neets Amplifier 2:25)



Release of Neets Project Designer 1.9

Next week we will release the latest version of Project Designer. In this version it is possible to combine rooms, for example where you have two rooms which can be combined in to one big space.

Along with this function you can now also lock buttons, when you wish to rule certain functions out.


A great new thing as that it is now possible to connect two 3rd party LAN devices and up to 8 Neets external devices on the LAN port of the OsCar. (Amplifiers, Switching Relays or other Neets Control Systems)


The Neets Extension Bus is now open for scripting, meaning that with I2C hardware can interact with the bus. This is meant for DIY projects, like an RFID connection.

Watch this video in order to see how these functions work!


New Theme

We have created a new theme called Matterhorn.

This theme is easy for you to implement and design and it is intuitive for the end user to operate!


We owe Samuel Elmiger our Swiss distributor a big thanks because he is the founder of this theme and we at Neets have only done some small alterations in order to perfect this theme.

All of the old designs will be deleted in the latest version on Project Designer, but you can download them from this link if necessary!




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